I can't believe my baby is already two months! The jump from one month to two is such a huge difference! (I guess that's sort of every month the first year). Sigh my baby is growing up so fast!
This past month Jetson has gotten WAY more fun though! He goos and ga-s for us! Every time he makes a little noise he looks so proud of himself, it's the most adorable thing! He looks like he's thinking, "Man, I'm hot stuff!"
He went through a major growth spurt while he was about six weeks and it kicked my nursing butt! I was nursing CONSTANTLY! He would nurse then sleep all day long! Not to mention this growth spurt happened during California's hottest heat wave ever with record breaking temperatures. Jetson didn't seem to mind the warm as much as I did.
Since about 5 weeks Jetson has slept really well through the night! He always slept well through (only waking up once in the night for a feeding). But now I've been able to sleep without any interruptions! The doctor gave us the go ahead that it is fine since he is such a chunk! Hallelujah!
At around seven weeks Jetson started to get fussy times where he is just kind of whiny for no particular reason. Well there's always a reason but not an important one like he wants to stand, leave the room, be in his Jammie's or in his pooping chair. (That's what we call his bouncy chair because he always poops when he is in it). He starting to really know his likes and dislikes and really grow a temperament.
Since Jetson is our First he is used to our very quiet and peaceful house. Often if we are out and about too long he will get fussy and want to go home. As soon as we start strapping him in the car seat he calms down a little and as soon as we get home he's a perfect happy little angel. He loves his home. He's also been getting fussy if he is not in bed when he wants to be. He also get startled by sudden noise. I am trying to break him of these habits by having background noise in the house all the time, hopefully it helps! He's also starting to get more sensitive to distractions while nursing, he's very serious about his milk.
He is such a happy baby though! He loves and makes everyone he meets feel special with a smile, a coo and a goo. He makes us so happy that he is so kind and loving already.
Jetson's Weekly Photos: