Where did this KID come from? He was a baby just yesterday ! My thoughts today exactly. He is so adorably cute and is learning extremely fast.
He still waves and smiles at everyone he sees & love to dance. Now he really enjoys clapping to music too which is so cute.
He’s learned to scream but so far most of them are happy screams. He has started to throw little tantrums when we take something away that he wants. (Uh oh)
He play this cute game with Dustin now where he runs from Dustin, who chases him making monster noises. Jetson always runs into my arms and nervously laughs and squeals until Dustin comes and finally tickle attacks him. He’s learning about suspense and it’s so cute to watch!
He’s still isn’t walking which I am totally okay with, but he is a CLIMBER, he can climb anything! He is a way faster crawler too now that he goes on his knees and not his tummy.
He points more and more to show us things and to tell us what he wants it’s so adorable, I can’t even look at this photo! Too cute.
He has been much better with his communication just in general this month. Not to mention he is a total parrot now, a lot of what I say he will repeat backs to me or babble similar sounding things anyway.
This month we started swimming on the weekday. He kicks on his tummy in the water. I’m trying to get him acclimated so he doesn’t develop fear when he becomes the age to be able to swim!
He still has no teeth but he has gotten REALLY good at gumming things to death. He gums on everything, his current favorite was what he has for lunch today chicken salad sandwiches, he also loves PB&J, Cauliflower/Asparagus Bisque, Apples Sauce, rice and CHEERIOS. We are buying a box of Cheerios basically every week. Thanks Costco!
He is still our little social butterfly and loves to make friends. He such a happy guy in fact I asked his daddy what I should mention on the blog about Jet and he said “well I’ve never seen a happier baby in my entire life than Jetson” and it’s true! We were blessed with such a easy going happy little guy, I can only hope when we have more kids they will be as well mannered, calm & happy as Jet!
That’s the epitome of your babyhood Jet, in our family you will always be the happy baby! (Hopefully the nexts ones will be happy babies too)