Sunday, May 20, 2018

Mother’s Day 2018

My first Mother’s Day! Saturday Dustin brought me some eggs, muffins shaped like hearts and a smoothie in bed. He fed Jet and I got up and was able to take my time to get ready. We went to the beach and Dennis the menace with Jetson, his first beach trip! It was pretty short lived as we didn’t come super prepared for a day at the beach but Jetson loved it! We put his feet in the water and he was so happy! 

Right when we got there I got sand in my eye and it hurt so bad! So bad that I couldn’t see jets hat fly off! 

We joked that my first trip to the beach probably since Jetson was born I got impaled within seconds haha! 

Jet really liked the park as well, he loved to watch the kids, he wants to walk so bad! 

After that we went and celebrated Mother’s Day with dustins Mom & Family for sushi.  

Sunday was just a calm day and we went to a potluck at my grandmas house. 

I’m so thankful this little guy made me a mother! He is the absolute sweetest! 

Jet’s 9 Month Check Up

This big boy has his 9 month check up May 1 2018!  No shots this time around hence Jets huge smile! 

He was 19lbs 10 oz! So he just keeps growing ! He is kind of thinning out though, getting extremely tall and skinny. Where is my chubby baby?!?! 

He’s 2 ft 5.25 inches! Such a tall boy, the doctors are super surprised by his height! He still loves going to the doctor and everything looked good! 

& just for fun here’s a picture of Jet at his 6 month appointment for comparison! 

Jet: 9 Months! 

Little baby Jet is 9 months old! Can you believe it? Well I’m posting this a little late so he’s even older! Breaking mommy and daddy’s heart! 

He loves playing in his new playroom! He always wants to be in there playing with his toys, I swear this room was the best thing I could have ever done! He crawls all over the place like crazy! He’s so fast! He stands up and walks holding on the couch and he looks so big when he does it! 

He’s really starting to enjoy play dates with friends and plays really well with them. The only thing is he gets a little obsessive with the kisses and the other babies don’t necessarily like it. 

A few example of jet kissing each of his friends lol.

He’s still breastfeeding strong! But he eats a ton of food and for sure needs it! He loves Spanish rice the most so we make that on the weekly. He also LOVES banana muffins so I make those about every other week too. He is still kind of limited on the foods he can eat because he still has no teeth. He gums really well. He typically eats eggs and dry Cheerios for breakfast and he loves fruit too. 

Ever since he has started teething he’s gotten really obsessive with the breast, like I mean, I nurse on demand but the way he plays with it and chews on it is not ok. For some reason every time I’m at Costco he just has to nurse (I think because they’re right in front of his face). My mom or someone else typically comes and pushes his cart for me hahaha, he’s totally fine with someone else pushing his cart! 

He totally dances now all the time and it’s the cutest thing, he seriously has rhythm! He loves the radio on and dances in his car seat the whole way there. 

Jet all I can say is, you’re a little boy now! I don’t know how that happened! But I do know that mommy and daddy love you more every single day. We love you with a love we never thought possible! 

As we approach your first birthday which isn’t too far in the future (with how fast time is going) I’m partially saying "phew" like "I made it" and "woah, that went way too fast!" Love you Jet!