Happy half birthday little boy!
You have lots of nicknames, fuzzhead, boba, Jetty boy, Jetsy, chicken hawk, scrunch face and daddy calls you Sir Lance A lot.
You love going bye-bye, bouncing, hitting things, making noise, and eating.
You finally got to use some of the fun stuff at our park by our house! Typically you just sit on the grass while everyone else plays but this month you got to try the swings and you LOVED it.
Sleep has been an issue this month, our trip threw you off a lot. Since you’re getting more aware you would wake up at even the slightest noise mommy and daddy would make. A shuffle of the covers would wake you up and make you hysterical. We made the hard choice (for mommy) to finally put you in your own room and I think it’s a much better situation, you sleep a thousand times better because we aren’t interrupting you! Your crib is also way comfier than your pac n play. I worry though because we are going on another trip in a couple weeks to San Diego, will everything we have worked for be ruined again...? Probably.
(You’re still breastfeeding strong and to be quite honest I have been kind of weak on wanting to be done. But I want to keep going until you’re atleast a year !
Something really exciting happened this month! You started solid foods! I try my best to feed you once a day but sometimes I don’t and just resort to the easy convenience of the breast all day. )
We fed you green beans first which you HATE. I mean you really hate them. After a couple days we gave you peas and you ate those right up quickly, you were banging your high chair for more.
I gave you carrots (to my dismay) two days in a row because you LOVED THEM. I Mean you ate the whole container in 5 minutes or less. I was unaware that carrots are extremely constipating for a baby, so you were constipated for two days and I felt so bad! First time Mom fail. We took a break on food for a while until you got better. We gave you green beans again and you still hate them. You scrunch your face and shake your head and turn away. I tried mixing them with pears and you’ll take them like that, youll smile when you taste the pair and then shake your head when the green bean flavor comes. It’s so funny! With the start of solid food you have also learned about spitting and love to do it.
You can sit up so well now! Your legs are SO strong, I have a sneaky suspicion you’ll skip crawling. But I surely hope not! You have very strong legs but zero upper body strength and we have been giving you more tummy to balance out with your bouncer that works out your legs. You can scoot and turn and slowly inch your way where you gotta go. You just don’t know to get your tummy off the ground yet!
You give kisses on demand now and know that when we say kisses, what to do! You’ve started this little scrunch face where you scrunch your nose and huff and puff as if to communicate something with us. Daddy thinks it so funny!
You’re still the smiley happy baby you’ve always been but you are growing way too fast! This post is a little longer than normal because so much has changed this month! I love you so much Jetson!
More of his 6 months pics .
(Also I stopped doing weekly pics it was just overkill for me lol)
(Why we call him fuzzhead & chicken hawk)