Jetson’s 1st Christmas! He LOVED it!
He seems so advanced for his age sometimes...he enjoyed every minute of Christmas which is something I didn’t expect considering he’s just shy of 5 Months!
Baby Jet got to open one present on Christmas Eve and he got read ‘Twas the night before Christmas by granny before bed and woke to lots of loot from santa !
He got quite the load of presents, spoiled little guy! Beauty of being the first baby! He just loved all the shiny wrapping!
He actually would unwrap his presents as well! We would rip it a little bit and then let him do the rest. He wanted to eat all the bows and liked them better than the presentss!
His favorite present was his Sophia the giraffe teether! Some of his presents inculded:
-Lots of balls, sensory toys
-new binkis
-sippy cup
-Baby Food
-new Jamies
-His FIRST very own Silver Piece to store for when he’s older (Granny Batistich)
And daddy has a matching one, so cute.
A funny story was he opened a box from granny Batistich with toys & a $100 bill, before grabbing the fun looking, bright colored balls in the box he grabbed the money! It gave everyone a HUGE laugh Christmas morning!
I had the most perfect gifts lined up for Dustin this year, we kind of went all out considering next year Jet will be older and as we have more kids Santa will bring us less lol.
A few things Dustin got were:
-Lord of the rings extended edition pack on Blu-ray
-Greg Olsen Painting of Christ (K. The cyber Monday sales are SOOOO good)
(Unfortunately the painting came with a broken frame which we found out when we opened the package Christmas morning, but they are being SUPER cool about sending us a new one!)
Dustin spoiled me and amongst some of the things I got
-Pair of Ugg’s
-Pressure cooker
I’m SOOOO excited to use my pressure cooker !
Okay aside from the materialistic-ness of Christmas, I will speak about something a little more important.
Christmas Magic.
Christmas is pure magic and it’s all because of Christ’s extra influence at this time. If we were as thoughtful and kind as we try to be at Christmas time and as mindful of Christ, we could have Christmas magic all the time! Ever since I was a kid I’d get really sad when Christmas was over, not because I was dissapointed with my gifts but because the magic of the season vanishes and then you have to wait till next year to see the sparkly lights again.
This year I am making an active effort to keep the Christmas spirit, the spirit of Christ with me so that I can feel that magic all year long. I will try to be the sparkly light until next december!
This year was very different being a mom at Christmas and it was everything I ever dreamed of, seeing my baby and husband and being with them Christmas morning was the best gift I could have ever asked for. Love my family, love my life . Merry Christmas everyone!