Saturday, March 16, 2019

Policies Verses Doctrine: Maintaining the Faith as We Await the Second Coming

 As we approach the April 2019 General Conference, I think it is important to prepare for change. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint is ever changing right now and it is an exciting time! I know many members who struggle with some of these changes and it can sometimes rattle their testimonies. It is important to remember, as prophecies are fulfilled policies within the church can change. Take for example, the New Testament. In Galatians:1-2 Paul cannot fathom that some of the Galation people could not give up the Law of Moses and partake the living Christ. The Law of Moses in short is the law of sacrifice. Christian Jews had an extremely hard time accepting that this was over. However, the prophecy was fulfilled, Jesus came and became the ultimate sacrifice.  As prophecies are fulfilled here on this Earth, changes will be made to policies to better adapt to our ever changing environment.

      Prophecy today, has been fulfilled. The world is getting increasingly more wicked, the family is being attacked and the church has had to make changes to better fit our circumstances. We have gone to the two hour church block to give us more time with our family and time to study within the walls of our home. This is because we know the best learning is within the home. This is what this generation needs to survive. Temple ceremonies have changed to better accommodate everyone and to save time-- because we have got to get it done! Youth can participate more in the temple, we are exhausting our resources because we are preparing for Christ's return! I feel an urgency in our Prophet's voice that we have a ton of work to do. 

      It is prophesied that a large ratio of the church will leave before Christ will come again. People may leave because of changes that are made, and if we get further doctrine in these latter days. Lets not be those people. Let us remember the Galation people as we approach conference. Remember their unbelief in the living Savior. These people who physically saw Jesus,  could not believe because of simply outdated gospel policy. These people saw Him with their own eyes and they still could not fathom change.  Paul held a conference to try and address these concerns. Do you see how without a doubt we are the true church of Christ? We are doing the same things done at the time of Christ! The gospel is not what is changing, it never was, it is the different policies that are changing. Remember the difference between doctrine and policy as we approach this conference and try to maintain your faith. 

I will close with the words of our current Prophet Russel M. Nelson, "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."

We must seek our own personal revelation so we are not shaken when change comes. Let us be ready and look forward to the time Christ comes again.