Love this sweet family of mine .
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Thanksgiving 2018
Thanksgiving was pretty low key this year with all the crazy things going on in our lives! We had it at Dustin’s parents and food was delicious. Craziest part was making 9 pies by myself I had sore biceps from rolling out dough! Also Jetson LOVES pumpkin pie, his new favorite. Oooo and we had the pleasure of having fresh turkey thanks to Dustin’s brother josh!
My first ever lemon maraingue!!!
Halloween 2018
We were The Little Mermaid this year for Halloween! My brother in law and mom decided to join us and be Tritan an Ursula! Jetson’s costume was homemade by my mom and I! And my mom made her Ursula costume omg! Dustin’s prince Eric costume is also homemade (he wears that shirt for almost all his prince costumes haha! ) and my brother in law Shane’s was homemade as well! Yay for homemade costumes! Mine was not homemade but more just a collection of things I bought off amazon!
Hope you enjoy these pictures!
Jetson’s 15 Month Well Visit
Mommy had a mommy brain moment and never schelduled his 15 month visit, I thought he didn’t have one until 18 months! A strange sore on his tongue (ended up being nothing) prompted me to call the doctor and they informed me he needs his 15 month check up. Due to my ill prepared nature we had to go to another doctor within the practice, which was somewhat refreshing but I missed our doctor! This was the WORST visit yet. Jetson knee what the shots were and he fought me and I had to hold him down poor baby! He was happy afterwards though, with his free book & sticker. He’s out heakthy boy!
Weight: 25 lbs 4 oz
Height: 2 feet 8 inches
Jetson 16 Months
Jet is growing, learning and becoming a little toddler! He is so so so demanding, people claim newborns are hard HAH. Toddlers are much worse lol! He’s constantly needing entertainment and I’m always trying to provide as I don’t want him to use TV too much!
He loves Bella the dog, and has basically imprinted on her as his dog. (She’s actually Jetson’s Granny’s). On days where Jetson is really fussy it is typically because he hasn’t seen Bella in a couple days, we drive him over for a quick fix.
It’s basically a miracle, Jetson finally has his top and bottom teeth. He always is quick with his grind when he sees the camera flashes. In this he is yelling "CHEESE" .
Jetson is OBSESSED with reading books, it will entertain him for a long time. He is lately going through a phase where he wants to read them himself! He has a few Halloween books and he screams a fake terror scream every time we turn the page! He loves books so much his nighttime routine include brushing his teeth, story and prayer.
Speaking of prayer, the cutie folds his little hands to pray, anytime anyone prays. Whether it’s over the food, before bed or in a church meeting. He sits still unless it’s one of those extremely lengthy prayers. In the morning for breakfast, he reminds us if we forget. We will put his plate in front of him and he look at it then look at us, and fold his arms and wait. MY HEART.
We are seriously behind on jet updates. He’s also obsessed with cars, he makes the funniest VROOM sound and he basically does it ALL the time. I know he dreams of cars because he sometimes does his VROOM sound in his sleep. He always tries to pat my tires and kiss them when I walk with him to get in the car, I don’t know where he gets this...but he just loves cars.
He loves to watch word party and super monsters, favorite tv shows. He knows all the word party dances and does them as he watches the show.
He’s also a major prankster he locked daddy inside the pantry once and couldn’t stop laughing and ran away.
He speaks Spanish really well and can name/find many of his body parts in Spanish and English!
He’s still obsessed with his dada. Like obsessed. And he’s still the funny little baby he’s always been. He just can express that little personality a lot more now!
Another fun /hilarious fact he HATES play dough. He thinks it disgusting. While in nursery we witnessed him sitting st the table with all the kids playing with playdough. I worried he’d want to eat it. He gave into peer pressure of all the other kids playing and grab a chunk of playdough. He immediately, threw it across the room with a sheer look of disgust. He then continuously tried to like it (because all the other kids did) but then would shriek in disgust and throw it a few seconds later.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Family Vacation: Salt Lake City
Monday, August 27, 2018
Quick trip: Southern Utah July 2018
We ran up to Utah at the end of July for a really quick trip for a funeral for Dustins great uncle, it was a lovely bittersweet and quick trip.
Stopped at Dixie rock to explore.
We stopped at a suit store to get daddy a new suit!
Jetson was obsessed with the hotel breakfast he ate so much!!
Sunday best
Our play area we made in the hotel room. Cozy cozy . Jetson’s birthday was on our trip so we had to stop at Dairy Queen for a treat!