Sunday, June 5, 2016

Wedding Planning Update

Man have I been busy..this is part of the reason I have not done the many things I have been planning on doing, such as write my Engagement story and many other plans I have had.

A wedding does this thing where it chews you up and spits you out. Bad metaphor. A wedding is like a never ending list of tasks, and you do as much as you can until time runs out. That is where I am right now. A couple weeks back I was doing details, details, details, it is beginning to calm down the closer we get. That is why I am blogging , or else you would not be hearing from me!

We have finally got the invitations done, but you know, not really...we still have a few more to we get addresses and slowly remember people. In fact I just remembered someone right now, oh my gosh. It is proper etiquette to send out invites six weeks in advance and the majority of them were but you know what such is life. I am starting to get to the point where I am just excited for my wedding and nothing else matters. I have not taken a photo of the invitations yet or I would post them here. Good news is we are already starting to get RSVP slips back which makes me so excited! I have truly done nothing but wedding lately and it has been absolutely insane. This wedding is going to be amazing and its because of the hard work that has been put into it.

We have got the Food, Venue, Band, Flowers, Cake, the Whole nine yards...and I am so thankful we planned ahead of time and did the majority of our planning way before...SO THANKFUL.

I am also thankful Dustin and I have found time to be alone and have not lost sight of each other in the planning process. Although most of the things we do is work, we make a good team. Lately we have been going down to our soon to be house and setting things up getting the hot water started and all that jazz. We have been getting many gifts sent to us, and so we have been actually taking many of our gifts down there already and making less work for us after the honeymoon. We also have a spreadsheet of every single person invited with a section for their names, whether they are going or not, if they are children and even what gift they gave us, this will help us tremendously in the long run.

I am thankful I have not lost it. It is truly not a walk in the park, but it has been fun.

We are only 34 days away from our Marriage! We are so excited.

It is really surreal and a little insane. We only have four more Sundays and that next Sunday we will wake up a married couple! It is hard to believe. These six months have gone by so fast but at the same time SO SLOW. I have a bridal shower next week and a hair and makeup consultation. I am very excited for this next month but I truly cannot wait to be relaxing in Hawaii with my Husband.

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