Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Baby Jet : 4 Months

Jetson is 4 Months! Where is the time going?

Jetson you are the best! You’re very patient and always running around with me everywhere I go and you’re overall really well behaved. 

You’re still ridiculously smart and you try to train me to be at your beck and call. I’m trying to show you who is boss but you really seem to think you are lol. 

You like to nap in my arms and you like to be held at all times. I try to set you down more so that I can get stuff done. You have started to fake cough anytime I leave the room. I know it’s fake because when I check on you, you immediately stop and show a wide grin and giggle. Somehow you have figured out coughing gets me to run into the room. Smarty. You also know that even if I know you’re faking it I’ll still run in just in case. 

You LOVE daddy and get fussy if he comes home late. When dad gets home I’m chopped liver until you want milk again. Daddy bounces you and plays with you while I recharge my battery. 

You just started sitting up on your own and you love it. You’re starting to discover that you can eat your little toes. You also laugh when you fall over from sitting up. 

A funny story from earlier this month was we were in sacrament at church and during the actual sacrament portion you were falling asleep in dads arms...well you decided you didn’t want your binki anymore and shot it out your mouth. We heard a load spit noise and no exaggeration it shot across the pew about 3 feet! 

Jetson you are huge! We are all taking bets on how much you’ll weigh at your appointment next week ! There are 10 month old babies at church smaller than you! 

You’re also starting to like peek a boo !

Jetson life is so much better with YOU in it ❤️ 

We LOVE you. 

Jetson’s Weekly Pictures 

13 Weeks

14 Weeks


15 Weeks

4 Months!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Dusty & Jet

They’ve got the cutest little relationship developing and I just have to document. Jetson loves being with his daddy! Whenever Dustin is home as long as Jet isn’t hungry he wants to be playing with him. It’s so adorable. He always does a little hurt cry or whine anytime Dustin sets him down and whenever Dustin enters the room he kicks his little feet, wiggles his arms, smiles and squeals. 

I think it makes Dustin feel really good because as I’ve said before Jet is a serious mamas-boy but now that he fuller faster and so desiring play time Dustin is like his fav.

He’s still a mamas-boy though & always will be. :D

But alas momma has to share the love/

There’s nothing more adorable than these photos to me besides these two in real life-