Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jetson: 8 Months Old

This little stink bug is growing like a weed! 

His personality is getting so funny! He’s very mischievous, he crawls EVERYWHERE. He pulls himself to standing on our furniture and he even climbs our tv stand shelf! Pray for us! 

Gonna be Mr. Mobile really soon. 

He loves to rastle. He like to blow raspberries on my tummy and neck. (Yes it should be vice versa, but he copies us!) He also growls and attacks our faces and pretends to eat us just like we do to him, we always go “Ahhh!! Don’t get me” and he thinks its so funny. 

He says dada, mama, River & boo. 

Anytime he hears dads keys opening the door after work or after his lunch break he looks in that general direction then looks back at me and says “dada?” 

He’s got the funniest sense of humor I’ve ever seen on a baby! Seems super intelligent! Laughs at everything, even things you wouldn’t think a baby would find funny! His new thing is when he is slightly entertained by something he goes “Heh” like this little half laugh, it’s so cute! 

He is the light of our lives, so fun but also exhausting! Had I not started going to the gym I wouldn’t be able to keep up!