Friday, October 20, 2017

Jetson is 3 Months

WHAT? This adorable perfect little stinker is already 3 Months Old as of Wednesday ! He’s breaking my heart ! 

He’s still sleeping through the night! Sometimes it is harder to get him to fall asleep now though, if we wait too long to put him down he gets really hyper and excited and everything we do is funny to him, it’s really cute but typically followed by overtired fussiness. 

He’s still a major mamma’s boy and this month he learned how to leash me up with my long hair. Will I ever wear my hair down again....? Every time I set him down or hand him to someone I have to pry his hands off my hair. Funny story, in our ward choir we were practicing a beautiful spiritual song and Jetson suddenly decided he was really mad. He starts fussing so I stood up (I’m sitting in middle front) I didn’t leave because he wasn’t bad enough yet. He started pulling my hair in every direction over my face and as everyone sang they tried to pry his hand off because my hair was everywhere. 

He’s really starting to grow a special bond with his daddy. I find that Jetson is less fussy and more easy going when Dustin is home with us. 

He still does the smiling and frowning at the same time and it’s so adorable, he just doesn’t know how to feel. 

He found his thumb again. At birth he sucked his thumb and now he does it again! He basically always has a fist in his mouth.

I can’t take him anywhere without a bib now because he drools EVERYWHERE. Buckets of drool. He also blows bubbles. 

Morning time and right before bed are still his favorite times of day. I haven’t gotten a photo but every morning he’s so happy to be awake and he does the cutest stretch where he put his arms in the air, does duck lips and puts his chin down making the biggest double chin! It’s so cute!

He really likes the show Parks & Rec which is bizarre but he gets excited when he hears it and wants to turn around to watch it . We are trying to transfer to something better like Little Einstein’s. 

He only takes cat naps during the day and nurses a lot, making my life kind of hard but atleast I sleep through the night. 

He laughs every once and a while and it’s so cute! 

He also learned to roll over this month and stayed with a baby sitter/had a bottle for the first time! He also LOVES when I say his name in a Batman voice! He thinks it’s so funny !

Jetson you are the biggest joy of our lives. 

Jetson’s Weekly Pictures

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